About us

 From today, we are ready to support the most prestigious fashion brands and their designers also in the research and development of new forms of digital, mobile and social experience in the Luxury Metaverso. 
Mauro Canclini, Creative Director and Style

About us


The Roll of Honour of Canclini1925 Brand Ambassadors registers people and organizations that support the Luxury Metaverso with their name and with their contribution acquiring the title of Canclini1925 Brand Ambassador.

All profits coming from the registration of the Members to the Roll of Honour of Canclini1925 Brand Ambassadors are used by the company C.Tessile Spa to make the Canclini Luxury Experience unique.

An Official Token is issued to each Brand Ambassador: digital, original and nominative. The Token is registered and authenticated on an encrypted ledger, that certifies the registration to the Roll of Honour.

A specific newsletter periodically updates all the Canclini1925’s Brand Ambassadors on Luxury Metaverso projects and benefits, reserved for registered people and organizations.

The C.Tessile Spa is a historic Italian company founded in 1925 in the Como silk area, leader in the production of high-end fabrics. Family values such as passion, knowledge and business vision, combined with quality and service have ensured its success and gradually increased its presence on the international market.

Born as a leader of classic fabrics for men’s shirts and today is considered a global player of fabrics thanks to the variety of the brands which are part of the group. All fabrics use the best technologies, constantly updated by research and development. Today, C.Tessile has a worldwide sales network and a portfolio of customers ranging from the most important designers to the most popular clothing brands.

This website, the registration services and the Tokens issuing are managed by Marketing Network Milano Srl, a professional services company of I&B - Innova et Bella group, on direct behalf of C.Tessile Spa.


 Canclini enters the Luxury Metaverso with a special Nft dedicated to Brand Ambassadors


La Provincia di Como 11/18/2022
 Il distretto comasco esplora il metaverso. Canclini emette i primi tokens ufficiali
la Spola 11/16/2022
 Canclini si affaccia nel metaverso e lancia i tokens